Gmod prop hunt map vote
Gmod prop hunt map vote

gmod prop hunt map vote

It’s a Prop Hunt map in a classic style: plenty of room, lots of props. The ph_octagon map features an octagon shaped central area with eight different rooms on each side. The wooden structures create a cozy vibe and there’s plenty of open space to outmanoeuvre your opponent. The props and hunters have been snowed in! Can the props survive until the snow melts? Or until the round ends? The ph_chalet is a cool Prop Hunt map with an interesting theme and a fun premise Get the ph_gas_station map here: link to The map has a lot of interesting props on the store shelves, but can be a bit too large on small player amount. The ph_gas_station is a map centered around a gas station’s interior, exterior, and a basement/sewer area. The pirate ship is a fun Prop Hunt map with a unique theme. This vertical nature of the ship poses new challenges in locating the direction of the prop taunt sounds.

gmod prop hunt map vote

The ph_pirateship map seems like a pretty compact design, but exploring the ship reveals many sub-decks inside the ship. Get the ph_MotelBlacke_Redux map here: link to There are many different rooms and areas, and plenty of different props and hiding spots from which to choose from. The map is a lot of fun on a large server with many players. The ph_MotelBlacke_Redux is a fairly large motel-themed map. Get the ph_islandhouse map here: link to The interior areas feel a bit cramped and a few of the doorways are too small for some props to go through. The map is detailed and the house has a few different rooms, and offers a nice selection of props. The ph_islandhouse map features a luxurious three storey house on a small island.

gmod prop hunt map vote

The map includes the notorious Hula Girl prop. The map is centered around an open cafeteria-area. Love it or hate it, the ph_school is a popular map and frequently played on Prop Hunt servers. The design is simplistic and clean, and the rooms are nicely decorated. The ph_office is a fun office-themed map with a few different rooms. Get the ph_restaurant_2017 map here: link to The older ph_restaurant version is also available for download. It features a small outdoor area and a large, three storey restaurant interior with many interesting rooms and props. The ph_restaurant_2017 is an updated version of the classic ph_restaurant map. It is a relatively large and detailed restaurant-themed map.

gmod prop hunt map vote

Please note that the maps are not listed in any particular order. Here are 10 good maps to play on Garry’s Mod Prop Hunt. TikTok: us live on Twitch.Garry’s Mod features a lot of different gamemodes, and Prop Hunt is one of the better ones. #yogscast #vlog #yogvlog #liveaction #axethrowing This is a highlight from our latest members-only video, an hour-long extended version of our new YogVlog "The Yogscast Throw Axes"! Thank you so much to all of our amazing members for supporting the channel!

Gmod prop hunt map vote